

Registration for the Commemoration of the Circuit des Ardennes 2025 is now open


Following a simply exceptional edition of the Legend Boucles @ Bastogne, the Royal Automobile Club of Spa is already switching to ‘Commemoration of the Circuit des Ardennes 2025’ mode, with the official opening of registrations! The event, which will take place on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 July, starting from Place McAuliffe in Bastogne, is open to all cars from the early days up to 1976, and to all motorbikes built up to 1960.

Since the announcement that the Commemoration of the Circuit des Ardennes is to be resumed by the driving forces of the Royal Automobile Club de Spa, a certain excitement is palpable. With five months to go until this great weekend that will perpetuate the tradition of motor sports in the Bastogne region, the new organisers are stepping up a gear by allowing anyone who wishes to do so to officially sign up for an event that will consist of two days of rides in the heart of the province of Luxembourg, following in the footsteps of the event that left its mark on the area, but also the history of motor racing in the early days of the 20th century, between 1902 and 1907.

At the time, the Circuit des Ardennes set the tone for events that were no longer organised from town to town, but in the form of loops. This means that the Circuit des Ardennes, which linked Bastogne, Martelange, Habay-la-Neuve and Longlier, was quite simply the ancestor of a certain Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps...

"As announced a few weeks ago, the primary aim of R.A.C. Spa was to prevent the Circuit des Ardennes from sinking into oblivion,’ said Pierre Delettre, head of the new organising team. "With our experience in organising motor sports events in Bastogne, we are taking up the torch and developing the concept, while taking care not to revolutionise anything! This development is reflected in a change in the frequency, as the Commemoration of the Circuit des Ardennes becomes an annual event, while cars and motorbikes from the various accepted periods will take part throughout the weekend. The oldest, dating from the early days of motoring and motorcycling, will therefore be alongside models up to 1976 for cars and 1960 for motorcycles. The aim is clearly to present a comprehensive selection to an audience of enthusiasts, but also to the tourists who flock to the Bastogne region in the summer period..."

More than ever, Place McAuliffe will be the nerve centre of the event. It will bring together a village of exhibitors, ‘vintage’ activities, as well as the Drivers' Club, which will be particularly well looked after and will offer participants a roof over their heads as soon as they return to Bastogne.

The welcome cocktail will also be held on Place McAuliffe on Friday evening, while music will reign supreme on Saturday evening, with an atmosphere that will delight a very diverse audience. All in a delightfully retro mood...

As for the participants on two or four wheels, they will spend two days travelling along the most beautiful roads in the region, following an itinerary that is currently being finalised. Stops will also be planned at various strategic... and historic locations!

One of the major new features of the 2025 event, the ninth Ardennes Circuit Commemoration, will be the Expo-Parade of all the cars and motorbikes on Sunday afternoon in the shopping street of Bastogne. It will be an opportunity for fans of fine machinery and passers-by to get up close to the machines and their owners and/or drivers. At the same time, an awards ceremony will showcase some of the machines on Place McAuliffe.

The participation fee for the Commemoration of the Circuit des Ardennes 2025 has been set at 250 euros per car (two-person crew) and 150 euros per motorbike or sidecar (one or two people).

Entries can be registered now via the official website www.racspa.be, on the ‘Commémoration du Circuit des Ardennes’ page. An easy-to-fill-in online form awaits classic car enthusiasts. Registration is validated as soon as the amount is received in the specified bank account.

Registration for the Commemoration of the Circuit des Ardennes 2025 will remain open until Tuesday 1st July. After that, the list of cars and motorbikes expected at the start will be made public, as will the route of the Saturday or Sunday ride, as well as the various scheduled stops. The aim is obviously to encourage the public to blend into the atmosphere at various points during the weekend, in order to commemorate this legendary event.

It goes without saying that the Commemoration of the Circuit des Ardennes 2025 does not include the slightest notion of competition. The main thing is that it's a blast and that it's rolling, whatever the speed!

See you soon for more information. All you have to do is mark the dates of Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 July in your diaries.


Commémoration du Circuit des Ardennes 2025 / The classes


Cars from the early days until 1917

Cars between 1919 and 1930

Cars between 1931 and 1941

Cars between 1942 and 1976

Motorbikes from the early days until 1927

Motorbikes between 1928 and 1960

